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Product details
File Size: 2187 KB
Print Length: 230 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (June 11, 2015)
Publication Date: June 11, 2015
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
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Other reviewers have suggested that this book is good for beginners on the topic of using Docker in production. Respectfully, I disagree. There are a lot of well considered details included about the operation of Docker in a production environment, but there's a lot that's missing here. Overall, I while I believe that the details of the book are well considered, there is a lot of context missing that makes the material more difficult to understand than it should be.Here's an example. In Chapter 9, "Docker at Scale", consider the section on running Docker on Amazon's EC2 service. The first step is to set up proper access in Amazon's IAM, and the authors provide a JSON snippet that will do so. Other than the mention of IAM, there's no discussion about where this code goes or how one would get it into production. Yes, someone familiar with AWS should know what to do with this, and, yes, this section assumes some familiarity with AWS. However, how much effort would it have taken to make this clear to the reader? One good sentence would do it, and doing so would improve the accessibility of this material to novices as well as the readability of the section greatly. The authors could broaden their audience and increase clarity with very little extra work, but they have to step back and read what they have written assuming that the reader doesn't know everything that they do.Another example occurs just two pages later, when they show output from requesting details about a container instance within an AWS cluster. We get almost a page and a half of output, but then the authors don't describe any of the output or how it might be useful. What are the units? What do the numbers mean? How can I use this? How do I make the changes if I don't like what I see? I can figure this out, but why show me a page and a half of output without explaining what even a little of it means?In my opinion, too much of the book is like this. The authors are clearly knowledgeable about the subject, the sentences are clear, and I don't doubt that they'd be good teachers of this material in an interactive environment. The problem is that readers of this book don't get to ask questions where clarification is necessary. I don't think the authors do a good job of contextualizing the details of operating Docker in a manner useful to those who don't already know most of this material. One can figure this stuff out with queries to online documentation, but, IMHO, the reason to buy a book is to have all that minutia aggregated into a coherent whole, and I just can't say that this is accomplished in this book. The book barely tips the scales at 200 pages, so I can't believe the authors were under pressure to keep the word count down. Another 40 pages of clarity would make it a lot more readable without making it overly long, and I'm guessing it would actually *shorten* the time it would take to read it cover to cover.When assembling technical reviewers it can be tempting for authors to surround themselves with subject matter experts, but it is also important to find some way to look at the material from the perspective of the target audience. I don't know this is what happened in this case, but it sure feels like it to me. I don't know how much experience these authors have at writing, so my inclination is to put at least some of this on the managing editor. Someone should have been approaching the manuscript from the point of view of a reader at the low end of the experience scale, and I don't see any reason to think that this happened.In any case, it's my opinion that the trees are all fine, but the forest gets lost. The best thing I can say about it is that if someone were to focus on these issues, a second edition could end up being pretty good.
Be careful to understand what this book is about before you order it. The subtitle is quite important: "shipping reliable containers in production." Although this is a deep topic that no one book cannot be a definitive reference for - this is precisely what this book is about. I happen to be interested in Docker for other reasons - for instance as a sandboxing tool in support of software development. So if you're interested in Docker from the deployment and DevOps perspective, this book seems fine. That said, I think its a rather one-sided portrayal of a powerful tool that may have other uses.
There are three animal books about Docker. I haven't seen the other two, but this one is not the one I needed for DevOps work. It covers the basics, but leaves out important details about building and using containers in real life scenarios.Pros:1) It covers the basics, and some of the history) of Docker commands.2) If you're a developer and want to run Docker on a local VM, this book might work for you.3) If you want to get a general idea what Docker is, it's probably a decent book (it helped me in that regard)4) It coversCons:1) There is A LOT of fluff in this book.It's almost like reading a college paper that had a minimum page count.2) The authors seem to get bogged down in cursory subjects and spend more time talking about subjects like 'netstat' and 'ps' than they do Docker Swarm.3) The book is overly simplistic in many cases and assumes the reader doesn't understand basic Linux operations.4) Quite a few of the bit.ly links no longer work.I walked away from this book wishing I had picked a different one. I haven't read an O'Reily book in years, so it's probable that this is what "Up and Running" meant. Even so, there is too much story and not enough meat. Sorry.
Not a bad overview at all. Like many of this type of book it has sections where it's a little heavy on text transcripts from terminal sessions, but overall this conveys the core basic concepts about Docker that you need to know.
I'm just starting with Docker, and chose this book to get an idea. It didn't disappoint me.
I bought this book in 2017 and it mostly worked. But now Docker has changed in many ways such that many examples in the book will not work now. Wait for 2nd edition of this book, it comes out in October.
I was expecting more out of this book. I was done reading in an hour or so, felt like I read a Tech Story book. IMO 'Docker Cookbook' is better than this book but that's my personal opinion.
Wonderfully opinionated guidebook for Docker that will carry you to production. Really appreciated the chapters on deployment, orchestration and resource limitation.